Spinal stenosis is a unique condition where the spinal column begins to narrow resulting in less space between them. This narrowing will put pressure on the spinal nerves that run down the spine. It mostly happens in the lower back and neck regions (cervical) and often the people that experience this might not display symptoms at the outset while others will feel tingling or numbness that can worsen over time.

The causes of spinal stenosis can range from simply aging, herniated discs, the thickening of ligaments, as well as bone overgrowth. The most common of spinal stenosis is lumbar stenosis.

At Tallahassee Spinal Care, Dr. Wainwright conducts a thorough exam including x-rays in order to put together a comprehensive tailored treatment plan. Using the most advanced NUCCA corrections Dr. Wainwright is able to relieve the pressure on the nerves and start the healing process to relieve your pain.

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